

What the environment everything arourd humans in clude biotic and abiotic biotic such as
1.animal = สัตว์ 2.people = คน 3.bacteria = แบคทีเรีย 4.tree = ต้นไม้

abiotic such as
1.home = บ้าน 2.car = รถ 3.document = เอกสาร 4.wate = นำ้ 5.mineral = แร่ 6.wind = ลม 7.soil = ดิน Environment issues humans 

1.loggers 2.forest encroachmant 3.stubble burning 4.chemicals dumped in rive Impact poiution
1.flood 2.the river stank 3.global warming 4.greenhouse gass Sulution
1.reducing deforestation 2.reduce rice stubbie burning 3.reduce the use of chemicals Environment issues natural dicaste
1.flood 2.volcano 3.earthquake 4.depression Impact poiution
1.houses were damaged 2.plantations and or chards damaged 3.deaths Sulution
1.reducing deforestation 2. learn to survive a natural disaster Information statistic 10 earthquake,the most violent in the world 1.Chile earthquake 1960

2. Alaska earthquake of 1964 3. Earthquake off the west coast of Northern Sumatra, lndonesia, in 2004 4. Japanese earthquakes 2011 5. The earthquake in Kamchatka peninsula 1952 6. The earthquake off the coast chile in 2010 7. The earthquake off the coast of Ecuador, 1906 8. Rat Lapland, Alaska earthquake of 1965 9. The earthquake off the coast of Northern Sumatra, lndonesia, in 2005 10. Assum earthquake-tibet 1950


